Introducing Our Keynote: Chanie Krasnianski
Chanie Krasnianski is Co-director of the Chabad of the Upper East Side. She is the founder and Director of Chabad Early Childhood UES, Friendship Circle NYC- which serves special needs children, and the Jacques and Hanna Schwalbe Mikvah – considered the most beautiful mikvah in the world. Chanie leads a weekly Women’s Torah Circle and lectures widely on women, relationships, and Torah. Her wit and wisdom endears her to audiences everywhere. Chanie has been keynote lecturer at the worldwide international conference of Chabad Emissaries.
Chanie and her husband Rabbi Ben Tzion Krasnianki live in Manhattan where they have raised their 9 children, the youngest of which has special needs.
Chanie is a certified Kallah teacher and is one of the mentors of the Kallah teacher training course of and Merkos 302.

Chanie Krasnianski
Chabad of the Upper East Side
The Venue: Bella Vista Suites